how to automatically update the copyright year on your website using Elementor

Are you wondering how to automatically update the copyright year on your website using Elementor? It’s important for website owners to protect their content, images, icons, and logo by adding a copyright notice in the footer. However, many times this copyright text becomes static and is forgotten to be updated. In this article, we’ll guide you on the simple process of dynamically displaying the copyright year with Elementor, making it easier for you.

If your website’s footer is already built with Elementor, follow these steps to update the copyright text. If not, create your footer first using the Elementor page builder. You can see our other article to learn How to Create Header and Footer with Elementor.

Display copyright year dynamically in Elementor

Step 1:

Open your website in the Elementor page builder and navigate to the footer section. Or alternatively go to Theme Builder under Templates and click on Edit Footer.

Step 2:

Click on the existing copyright text or add a new copyright text using the Header or Text widget.

In the image above, the copyright text currently displays the year 2023, but since it’s now 2024, you’d typically have to update it manually. To make it dynamic, follow next steps:

Step 3:

Click on the Dynamic Tags icon in the text field to view dynamic features.

Step 4:

Select the “Current Date Time” option and configure settings. Choose Custom in the date format field and input “Y” in the Custom format field.

Now, your text will automatically show only the current year. To add additional text before and after the year, follow next steps:

Step 5:

Access advanced settings and include the desired text before and after the year.

Once you’re done, click on the Publish or Update button to save the changes. Now, your copyright text will dynamically display the current year, keeping it updated without manual intervention.

In summary, using Elementor makes it easy to dynamically update your website’s copyright year, ensuring your copyright notice always reflects the current year.

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